Thanks for the answer!

I think you should put your validate / delegate / ajaxQueue in the
same file. In my case, and the majority, only use these two plugins to
run validate, and for this reason we have to include 3 files.

Make a package, all built.


On 30 jan, 15:48, Jörn Zaefferer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Marcos Aurélio schrieb:> Ok, see:
> > Join
> > First test:
> > Put in login "AAA" and name "bbb" click the button and submit it.
> > Second test:
> > First click the button. He acknowledge the mistakes, all ok. Now fill
> > in the fields with "AAA" and "bbb" and click the button. He did not
> > submit.
> Thanks for the testpage and description, that helped a lot. The easiest
> way to solve this issue is to include the ajaxQueue plugin (see
> lib/jquery.ajaxQueue.js in the download package).
> To prevent the issue to come up again I'll make the ajaxQueue plugin
> required for remote validation. Currently I've got no better idea then
> just display a completely annoying alert when the ajaxQueue plugin isn't
> included. Other ideas are welcome.
> Regards
> Jrn

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