Well... I can't say I read every line of code... I only looked at two js
files that loaded after the others and looked (by name) like they were
custom code. Then I used Firebug to search through them for "hoverIntent"
which is thankfully a very unique string. :)

The difficultly with your project's UI (from an events perspective) is that
it auto-scrolls (left/right) in addition to the open/close of various
project divs.... so when you mouse over a project that is close enough to
the screen's edge it auto-scrolls causing the mouse to trigger an onmouseout
event (not because the mouse moved, but because the element moved out from
under it). Also, closed projects become impossibly small so trying to mouse
directly to a specific one is difficult. You'll need to find a way to keep
the UI from moving away from the mouse. It's a very tricky problem
(especially on the "by time" screen where the projects are stack and


On 2/1/08, Alexandre Plennevaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Brian, thank you very very much for taking the time to look through that
> 1000-liner. i didn't expect such effort otherwise i would have told you
> right away where to find the code instead of making you search through it.
> After more than a year doing jquery, I'm always amazed by the commitment of
> its community members.
> At this point i'm wondering if i'm not asking too much to javascript,
> which,as i understand it, is not really intended as a strong visual engine
> and whether i shouldn't implement this "datascape" via flash. i usually
> refrain from using flash but sometimes you just cannot avoid it. If you have
> an opinion about that, i'd be delighted to read it.
> Anyway i'll implement your suggestions, update the proto and get back to
> you tonight (it's 10PM here).
> Since you mentioned it It is true that i don't really catch the meaning of
> some of the parameters.
> sensitivity: 1 to ?? (what's the maximum?)  _ also, i couldn't get a good
> comprehension of what the sensitivity parameter exactly control. I played
> with its value, but i'm still not sure. What's the most sensitivty? 1 or 10
> ?
> @Sebioff: thanks for the idea, i should definitely try that "flag" idea:
> typically how to solve that kind of issue in actionscript :)
> Thanks to both of you for your feedback, really appreciate that.
> On Feb 1, 2008 8:31 PM, Brian Cherne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I reviewed your code. Is the project expanding/collapsing functionality
> > contained in 19_proto_M2.js, lines 197-263 ?
> >
> > I don't think you're configuring the hoverIntent plug-in properly. It
> > would be best if you named your over/out functions and included in them in
> > the configuration object. Then just pass that object into hoverIntent.
> >
> > var hoverIntentConfig = { sensitivity: 10, // number = sensitivity
> > threshold (must be 1 or higher)
> >  interval: 600, // number = milliseconds for onMouseOver polling
> > interval
> >  over: yourOverFunctionName, // function = onMouseOver callback
> >  timeout: 0 // number = milliseconds delay before onMouseOut
> >  out: yourOutFunctionName // function = onMouseOut callback (REQUIRED)
> >  };
> >
> > $allProjects.css(...).hoverIntent(hoverIntentConfig)....
> >
> > Second, I think for the time being you would benefit most from keeping
> > the default interval (100ms) and sensitivity (7) (so no need to declare them
> > in your object) and override the timeout option to something like 300ms. I
> > think part of the animation issues on your page are related to an upper
> > project closing while a lower project is opening... making it so that your
> > mouse is temporarily out of the lower project (executing the close
> > function). If you set the timeout delay the projects wont' close immediately
> > (not sure if I'm making any sense)... so:
> >
> > var hoverIntentConfig = { over: yourOverFunctionName, // function =
> > onMouseOver callback (REQUIRED)
> >  timeout: 300 // number = milliseconds delay before onMouseOut
> >  out: yourOutFunctionName // function = onMouseOut callback (REQUIRED)
> >  };
> >
> > I'm not sure if that will work better. You may need to investigate other
> > alternatives to closing a project div (like using a click event)... doing
> > everything on mouseover/mouseout in that layout is quite tricky.
> >
> > I've been meaning to write a discussion on editing hoverIntent
> > options... because there seems to be some confusion/mis-understanding about
> > how it works. Hopefully I can get around to it this weekend.
> >
> > Brian.
> >
> >
> >
> > On 2/1/08, Alexandre Plennevaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hello!
> > >
> > > you can see here the non finished, raw interface we are setting up to
> > > showcase our projects. I use the awesome hoverIntent plugin to control the
> > > expansion of each project div, revealing more info about the project on
> > > mouseover.
> > > Problem: if you move your mouse on several divs, the behaviours are
> > > erratic (it's kind of fun but not very ergonomic :) ) .
> > > I think the solution would mean being able to flush the event queue
> > > before and after a triggered hoverIntent. But i don't know where to start 
> > > .
> > > Does someone have an idea on how to do taht, or another solution?
> > >
> > > link: http://m2.lab-au.com/projects/
> > >
> > >
> > > Thanks for your help!
> > >
> > > Alexandre
> > >
> > > --
> > > Alexandre Plennevaux
> > > LAb[au]
> > >
> > > http://www.lab-au.com
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Alexandre Plennevaux
> LAb[au]
> http://www.lab-au.com

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