I am having some problem with the form plugin: jquery.form.js, may be
related to general issue with jquery itself.

I have two jsp pages.
In one I create a form:
<form id="uaForm" action="basic.jsp" method="post">

I have bound this form to ajaxForm
        target: '#htmlChartTarget',
        success: function() {

Now when the first form is submitted to the basic.jsp its (html)
response along with some js code returned are displayed in
htmlChartTarget div. The js code is also executed.
This works absolutely fine in firefox.

The same when I run in ie explorer it does not work fine.
Only part page is displayed (ie only the html content)
The js code is not executed under the script tag.
The part js code under script tag of basic.jsp is:
$(function() {
    $('[EMAIL PROTECTED]').addClass('field');

even if I add an alert as first statement its not executed and also I
get no error on my browser.

Please help.


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