Thanks, but I still must be doing something wrong because I get the
following error:

jQuery("innerHTML", data).evalScripts is not a

Here's the code I currently have:

var v = jQuery("#two").validate({
                        submitHandler: function(form) {
                                        target: "#ajax",
                                        beforeSubmit: function () {
                                        clearForm: true
                        debug: true,
                        errorContainer: container,
                        errorLabelContainer: $("ol", container),
                        wrapper: 'li',
                        event: "keyup"


On Feb 7, 5:33 am, Christoph Haas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 06, 2008 at 08:21:25PM -0800, apadley wrote:
> > I have a complex form that uses ajaxSubmit (see code below). The form
> > takes awhile to process and I'd like to display a loading message or
> > loading gif while waiting for the response. How can I modify or add to
> > the code below to accomplish this. The message or gif should appear in
> > the #container div.
> > var v = jQuery("#two").validate({
> >                    submitHandler: function(form) {
> >                            jQuery(form).ajaxSubmit({
> >                                    target: "#ajax",
> >                                    resetForm: "true"
> >                            });
> >                    },
> >                    debug: "false",
> >                    errorContainer: container,
> >                    errorLabelContainer: $("ol", container),
> >                    wrapper: 'li',
> >                    event: "keyup"
> >            });
> > I have tried adding the following which shows the loading gif, but
> > does not display the result from the action page in the ajax div :
> > $("#container").ajaxStart(function(){ $(this).show(); }).ajaxStop
> > (function(){ $(this).hide(); });
> See
> You can use beforeSubmit pointing to something like
>     function () {
>         $('#container').html('Loading...')
>         }
> Works here (tm).
> Cheers
>  Christoph
> --
> gpg key: 79CC6586         fingerprint: 
> 9B26F48E6F2B0A3F7E33E6B7095E77C579CC6586

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