var loader = $('div.ajaxloader').fadeIn(500)

$('#ajax-placeholder').load('/content_to_load.php', function(){
// This is a callback function

Something like that.

The div.ajaxloader is for you to style correctly with css to make it
appear in the middle of the page, or wherever you wan't it.
Just a basic example

/ Johan

On 18 Feb, 09:18, gh0st <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One of the things that is frustrating me in learning jQuery is that
> there isn't enough examples, case-studies or tutorials on how to use
> the .ajax call; most web pages I've seen seem to be for the .load
> or .get.
> That being said, can someone post a very basic Ajax call complete with
> a loading gif?
> Also, does anyone have any links/resources to case-studies/examples of
> Jquery and the .ajax call?
> With thanks.

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