I've written a few, but there's a whole bunch out there (http://

Using Ajax to validate forms:


Ajax'ifing forms (screencast):


What you're after boils down to this (though very simply):

$('#waitingblock').html('<img src="loading.gif" />');

  url: 'myurl.php',
  data: 'action=do-stuff',
  success: function () {
    $('#waitingblock').empty(); // remove the loading image
    // do stuff.
  error: function () {
    // let the user know something went wrong

On Feb 18, 8:18 am, gh0st <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One of the things that is frustrating me in learning jQuery is that
> there isn't enough examples, case-studies or tutorials on how to use
> the .ajax call; most web pages I've seen seem to be for the .load
> or .get.
> That being said, can someone post a very basic Ajax call complete with
> a loading gif?
> Also, does anyone have any links/resources to case-studies/examples of
> Jquery and the .ajax call?
> With thanks.

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