I remember when Shadow of the Beast came out on the Amiga. Crappy
gameplay, but great parallax scrolling.

This is a great effect. Old Disney films used this well.

Looks like 4 layers there. Anyone look at the code yet? Is there
Javascript controlling the positioning or is it all CSS?

On Feb 18, 9:05 am, Mika Tuupola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 18, 2008, at 5:57 PM, Ty (tzmedia) wrote:
> > A recent site launch has a bit of a buzz surrounding the use of
> > parallax backgrounds. When resizing the window width at:
> We did something vaguely similar, but not as cool and only with two
> layers (scroll and check the moon). It was done with JavaScript that
> it works great in IE and Safari, but not Firefox.  But this Silverback
> CSS Parallax effect is awesome ! :)
> http://www.greenwhitechristmas.com/
> --
> Mika Tuupolahttp://www.appelsiini.net/

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