I sort of wondered about maybe it just being a Centered set of images
of varying widths, but hadn't gotten around to deciphering the layout
for myself..
With jQuery, I'm just wondering if a more advanced set of features
could be accomplished, something along the lines of clicking different
scroll To or smooth scroll links triggering different sets of
backgrounds. Of course a www.thehorizontalway.com/ type of navigation
set up would create another whole bunch of ideas.

On Feb 18, 1:51 pm, Mika Tuupola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 18, 2008, at 8:15 PM, timothytoe wrote:
> > Looks like 4 layers there. Anyone look at the code yet? Is there
> > Javascript controlling the positioning or is it all CSS?
> All CSS. Different position-x values for three layers.
> position-x 20%
> position-x 40%
> etc
> AFAIK same kind of effect can be achieved by using different size
> background images which are centered.
> --
> Mika Tuupolahttp://www.appelsiini.net/

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