OK I got it to work for myself, but now there is this other weird

Whenever you press the plus or minus buttons it jumps you back to the
top of the screen. This is extremely annoying. How can I stop this. I
have also noticed that jQuery is not as clean and smooth when it hides
and unhides the elements. Anyway to improve this also?

- Oscar

On Feb 19, 9:00 pm, BooZker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have been fussing with this for a long time. I don't know
> Javascript, so if someone knows how to help don't talk gibberish ;)
> Here is the link I was 
> using:http://docs.jquery.com/Effects/slideDown#speedcallback
> I have tried the example of the slideDown and slideUp and have yet to
> get it to work the way I need it to. I know this is extremely basic
> since I can do it with MooTools with literally a couple lines of code.
> Unfortunately, I need ThickBox on the same page (jQuery), so I need to
> do this without MooTools since ThickBox wont work with MooTools.
> I have a plus (vectorsIn) and minus (vectorsOut) button that are
> visible at all times. These buttons hide or unhide the div, #vectors.
> The HTML is below and I would like it if I would not have to change
> it. I do not think I do though since MooTools and jQuery seem to be
> fairly similar in the HTML syntax. I want the plus and minus buttons
> to hide or unhide the div in short. I also want the #vector div hidden
> on page load and I want both plus and minus visible at all times.
> There is no CSS applied to any of the IDs below, only the Classes.
> I have this for my HTML:
> <div class="freebieSliderContainer">
>                                 <div class="freebieSlideBar">
>                                         <div class="sliderName">Vectors</div>
>                                         <div class="sliderButtons">
>                                                 <a id="vectorsIn" 
> class="toggleLinks" href="#"><img src="images/
> freebies/open.png" alt="Open content" /></a>
>                                                 <a id="vectorsOut" 
> class="toggleLinks" href="#"><img src="images/
> freebies/close.png" alt="Close content" /></a>
>                                         </div>
>                                 </div>
>                                 <br style="clear:both" />
>                                 <div id="vectors" class="sliderContent">
>                                 </div>
> </div>

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