Or simply remove the "dead link (#)"! :)

On 21 fev, 01:40, Karl Swedberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you're clicking on a link, you need to return false inside the
> click handler.
> For example ...
> $('a').click(function() {
>    // do something ...
>    return false;
> });
> --Karl
> _________________
> Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com
> On Feb 20, 2008, at 3:40 PM, BooZker wrote:
> > OK I got it to work for myself, but now there is this other weird
> > problem:
> > Whenever you press the plus or minus buttons it jumps you back to the
> > top of the screen. This is extremely annoying. How can I stop this. I
> > have also noticed that jQuery is not as clean and smooth when it hides
> > and unhides the elements. Anyway to improve this also?
> > - Oscar
> > On Feb 19, 9:00 pm, BooZker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> I have been fussing with this for a long time. I don't know
> >> Javascript, so if someone knows how to help don't talk gibberish ;)
> >> Here is the link I was 
> >> using:http://docs.jquery.com/Effects/slideDown#speedcallback
> >> I have tried the example of the slideDown and slideUp and have yet to
> >> get it to work the way I need it to. I know this is extremely basic
> >> since I can do it with MooTools with literally a couple lines of
> >> code.
> >> Unfortunately, I need ThickBox on the same page (jQuery), so I need
> >> to
> >> do this without MooTools since ThickBox wont work with MooTools.
> >> I have a plus (vectorsIn) and minus (vectorsOut) button that are
> >> visible at all times. These buttons hide or unhide the div, #vectors.
> >> The HTML is below and I would like it if I would not have to change
> >> it. I do not think I do though since MooTools and jQuery seem to be
> >> fairly similar in the HTML syntax. I want the plus and minus buttons
> >> to hide or unhide the div in short. I also want the #vector div
> >> hidden
> >> on page load and I want both plus and minus visible at all times.
> >> There is no CSS applied to any of the IDs below, only the Classes.
> >> I have this for my HTML:
> >> <div class="freebieSliderContainer">
> >>                                <div class="freebieSlideBar">
> >>                                        <div
> >> class="sliderName">Vectors</div>
> >>                                        <div class="sliderButtons">
> >>                                                <a id="vectorsIn"
> >> class="toggleLinks" href="#"><img src="images/
> >> freebies/open.png" alt="Open content" /></a>
> >>                                                <a id="vectorsOut"
> >> class="toggleLinks" href="#"><img src="images/
> >> freebies/close.png" alt="Close content" /></a>
> >>                                        </div>
> >>                                </div>
> >>                                <br style="clear:both" />
> >>                                <div id="vectors"
> >> class="sliderContent">
> >>                                </div>
> >> </div>

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