TinyMCE has an experimental adapter for jQuery this makes it a bit
smaller and replaces most of the core logic like the XHR, element
selector, dom functions etc. But even if we replaced those the package
is still quite large. The big parts are the UI elements, the DOM
Serializer and the overall editor logic so the size gain is not that
large but you get petter performance out of it. One thing would be to
add TinyMCE as an plugin for jQuery when you enable these adapters as
suggested that would be a powerful feature and take the best of both
worlds we will take that in to consideration.

Some say that TinyMCE is too large I say that you can't make an editor
super small and still have the features required to make an XHTML
editor that generates decent output across all browsers. Some of the
so called "small editors" I've seen isn't even close to generating
correct output on for example IE. Font tags, br elements etc etc. Much
of the logic in TinyMCE is there for a reason to make a normalized
behavior across all browsers much like jQuery does it with the DOM

But feel free to checkout the adapter most of the logic is done by
Stefan Petre so he really deserves the credit for this one. Feel free
to add to it if you want and send in patches. It's available in the
tinymce dev package.

On Feb 21, 12:45 pm, weepy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> http://batiste.dosimple.ch/blog/posts/2007-09-11-1/rich-text-editor-j...
> On Feb 21, 9:20 am, Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thanks for pointing that out.
> > But what I'm more concerned with is the fact you're downloading
> >TinyMCE, PLUS jQuery, PLUS the plugin so it's lot of stuff being
> > downloaded, and much of the code you actually have downloaded is just
> > duplicated effort.  Both jQuery and MCE implement DOM selectors,
> > iterators and manipulators, both implement an XHR wrapper, both
> > implement event models, etc.  What I was wondering has anybody taken
> > the MCE code, cut its DOM, XHR, etc
> > out and wired the jQuery ones in in their place?  That'd eliminate
> > duplication of effort between the two, and result in a smaller
> > download size.
> > On Feb 20, 5:27 pm, tlphipps <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Regarding using jquery to 'attach' the editor, there is a plugin that
> > > I believe does just 
> > > that:http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-en/browse_thread/thread/d33630d...
> > > On Feb 20, 10:33 am, Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > I've been usingTinyMCEto build a CMS that's also being built around
> > > > jQuery for other functionality, and I got to thinking, a lot of the
> > > >TinyMCEcode is simply replicating functionality that's already in
> > > > jQuery (DOM selectors. XHR, etc), so has anybody tried to remove this
> > > > stuff from the MCE codebase and use the jQuery implementations
> > > > instead?
> > > > Additionally, how about using jQuery functionality to attach editors
> > > > to controls?  For example $('textarea').tinyMCE() to attach editors
> > > > to all elements, or $('#myEditor').tinyMCEto replace just a specific
> > > > instance.  You could use any CSS rule you wanted to determine where an
> > > > editor should be created in theory.
> > > > And how about using jQuery UI to implement MCE's inline popup
> > > > windows?
> > > > I do know there's WYM, which is built on jQuery, but that's very early
> > > > on in its development and also appears to have stalled.

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