I've always wanted to port TinyMCE to jQuery -- you can fit _the
entire jQuery_ into TinyMCE in _the same amount of code_ as their DOM
Manipulation and Effects methods, (I've done the calculations, it
might even make TinyMCE smaller!), and I bet it would be faster too.
That being said, it unfortunately is not a priority in any of my
projects, but the adapter is a great start.

It would definitely create a ton more (even accidental) jQuery
converts, if jQuery was the base.  It would be perfect, now to just
find the time...


On Feb 21, 10:35 am, Spocke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> TinyMCE has an experimental adapter for jQuery this makes it a bit
> smaller and replaces most of the core logic like the XHR, element
> selector, dom functions etc. But even if we replaced those the package
> is still quite large. The big parts are the UI elements, the DOM
> Serializer and the overall editor logic so the size gain is not that
> large but you get petter performance out of it. One thing would be to
> add TinyMCE as an plugin for jQuery when you enable these adapters as
> suggested that would be a powerful feature and take the best of both
> worlds we will take that in to consideration.
> Some say that TinyMCE is too large I say that you can't make an editor
> super small and still have the features required to make an XHTML
> editor that generates decent output across all browsers. Some of the
> so called "small editors" I've seen isn't even close to generating
> correct output on for example IE. Font tags, br elements etc etc. Much
> of the logic in TinyMCE is there for a reason to make a normalized
> behavior across all browsers much like jQuery does it with the DOM
> API.
> But feel free to checkout the adapter most of the logic is done by
> Stefan Petre so he really deserves the credit for this one. Feel free
> to add to it if you want and send in patches. It's available in the
> tinymce dev package.
> On Feb 21, 12:45 pm, weepy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >http://batiste.dosimple.ch/blog/posts/2007-09-11-1/rich-text-editor-j...
> > On Feb 21, 9:20 am, Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Thanks for pointing that out.
> > > But what I'm more concerned with is the fact you're downloading
> > >TinyMCE, PLUS jQuery, PLUS the plugin so it's lot of stuff being
> > > downloaded, and much of the code you actually have downloaded is just
> > > duplicated effort.  Both jQuery and MCE implement DOM selectors,
> > > iterators and manipulators, both implement an XHR wrapper, both
> > > implement event models, etc.  What I was wondering has anybody taken
> > > the MCE code, cut its DOM, XHR, etc
> > > out and wired the jQuery ones in in their place?  That'd eliminate
> > > duplication of effort between the two, and result in a smaller
> > > download size.
> > > On Feb 20, 5:27 pm, tlphipps <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Regarding using jquery to 'attach' the editor, there is a plugin that
> > > > I believe does just 
> > > > that:http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-en/browse_thread/thread/d33630d...
> > > > On Feb 20, 10:33 am, Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > I've been usingTinyMCEto build a CMS that's also being built around
> > > > > jQuery for other functionality, and I got to thinking, a lot of the
> > > > >TinyMCEcode is simply replicating functionality that's already in
> > > > > jQuery (DOM selectors. XHR, etc), so has anybody tried to remove this
> > > > > stuff from the MCE codebase and use the jQuery implementations
> > > > > instead?
> > > > > Additionally, how about using jQuery functionality to attach editors
> > > > > to controls?  For example $('textarea').tinyMCE() to attach editors
> > > > > to all elements, or $('#myEditor').tinyMCEto replace just a specific
> > > > > instance.  You could use any CSS rule you wanted to determine where an
> > > > > editor should be created in theory.
> > > > > And how about using jQuery UI to implement MCE's inline popup
> > > > > windows?
> > > > > I do know there's WYM, which is built on jQuery, but that's very early
> > > > > on in its development and also appears to have stalled.

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