On Feb 25, 8:48 pm, Seth - TA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have created a page that calls $tabs.tabs("add", this.href, title);
> Where this.href is the link I am opening as a remote tab. This works
> and the tab is added with the correct page showing, however, any and
> all jQuery which is in the remote page called does not work.
> I noticed by looking at the generated code that the tab only has the
> pages body and has stripped all header information. So, in a thought
> of working around this, I added all the jQuery to the page creating
> the tabs. This did not work either.
> I would think you would be able to have jQuery within a remote tab.
> The ability to do so is important to what I am working on. Any help is
> greatly appreciated. Thanks.

You can have that without any problems, although you have to meet some
basic requirements. You have to understand that in the end you're
loading HTML into a div of an *existing* document. Thus you cannot
load complete documents with html, head and body tags. You need to use
HTML fragments. You have to take care of that in the back-end, this is
no functionality the plugin can provide. With each Ajax request jQuery
sends an extra request header (X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest),
which you can use to determine if the page was loaded via Ajax or if
was a standard request.

The reason why you see what you see as generated code, is that the
browser's HTML parser strips away stuff you cannot put into an
existing body of an HTML document.


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