I have a simple sortable list of div's with one containing a group of
radio buttons, such as:
<div id="container">
        <div>Item 1 <input type="radio" name="obj" value="K" /><input
type="radio" name="obj" value="D" /></div>
            <div>Item 2</div>
            <div>Item 3</div>
            <div>Item 4</div>
            <div>Item 5</div>

If I check one of the radio buttons and then drag the first Item, once
the div is "dropped" the value of the radio button gets unset.  Why is

It appears that in Firefox on Windows Vista that if I set a
CHECKED value for one of the radio buttons it doesn't get recognized
and then when the Item is "sorted" the radio buttons revert to their
previous unchecked state.  In IE7 on Vista, the CHECKED attribute is
recognized as desired, but if I click on the other radio button and
therefore change what was set by default once the item has been
"sorted" the radio button reverts to its original default state.  So
it appears that when sorting div that contain radio buttons all of the
radio buttons are reset to their default states as dictated by the
HTML.  How do I fix this so that the value changes are carried forward
when an item has been changed and then subsequently sorted afterwards?

I tried fooling around with something like this:
$("[EMAIL PROTECTED]'obj']").click(
("[EMAIL PROTECTED]'obj']").removeAttr('checked');  // Remove all
checked radio buttons first
                        $(this).attr('checked','checked');  //Check
the appropriate radio

Didn't work.  The removeAttr works properly, but the add attribute
portion doesn't.  However, if I use a bogus attribute instead of
"checked" it works (as far as removing and adding the bogus attribute
in the appropriate spot).  I'm stumped...

And just fyi, this is my first time using jQuery, so speak relatively
juvenile and I promise not to get too offended.  :-)  Thanks in

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