Did you ever find a solution to this?

Since the resizing of the parent element is achieved through the
dragging of the handle, perhaps you could make the handle snap to a
grid when its being dragged? The result of this will be a parent
element that appears to resize according to a grid.

On 10 Jan, 17:23, thierry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to create a weekly calendar where people can select one
> day, or more.
> I would like it to work a bit like outlook.
> So when someone selects a day, it should be possible toresizethe
> selection to include more days.
> Problem is that theresizeshould "snap"  to a day, so that it is not
> possible that someone resizes to the middle of a day.
> When I look at the draggable feature, it is possible to add a "grid"
> option, but I didn't see it for resizables.
> Is this possible with thejqueryuiplugin or perhaps with another
> plugin?
> Thank you.

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