How new are you to web developing?

XML / Database will be whatever you prefer.

Im guessing what you're interested in, is the fade/slide-in effect of
the red content box when you click a menu item.

You want to be looking at the animate() functionality.

Bear in mind that you only want to pop the content into the box ONCE
the animation has finished... else its gonna be fugly.

On Mar 25, 9:11 pm, makgik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At first hello to everybody! I'm new to jquery and this group.
> I'm just starting to dig into the framework, and I need some kind of
> more concise guidelines on my very first project I'm trying to create
> with jquery.
> What I want is to clone this flash functionality 
> here: jquery.
> Can somebody please point me to some resources where I can learn how I
> can do this? Are there any specific plugins/extensions that I can use?
> Also, if it is possible, can I use some sort of simple backend cms to
> change the contents on the panels? And What's best to use for dynamic
> source: XML, Database or?
> Thank you so much in advance!

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