First off, the hard work on cluetips. I'm a big fan and for a nub like
me, it's been remarkably easy to integrate and customize for my sites.

What I've been trying to do is have one html page that includes all
the ajax content in various divs (essentially like xml), like such:
<div class="tip_1">content here</div>
<div class="tip_2">more content here</div>

The tips would be able to filter according to matched class names. For
instance, the following would display the above information, filtered
by class name:
<a class="tips_1" rel="ajax.htm">Here's my cluetip link 1</a>
<a class="tips_2" rel="ajax.htm">Here's my cluetip link 2</a>

I can do it manually, like this:
         ajaxProcess : function (data) {
                                         return data;

But I'm having a hard time getting it to work dynamically.  Using
something like 'data=$(data).filter(this.class) doesn't work.  Again,
I'm pretty new at this and it seems like this should be fairly simple
to do with jquery, but I'm stuck after several hours of trying.

I saw the great demo that applies a similar concept at, but have been
unable to combine what I need with that local example.

Many thanks in advance.

- Sterling

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