Hi Karl,

Thanks for more good advice.  I moved the new code into onShow.
I had to pass opts as an additional argument to onShow so I could
check to see if 'draggable' was set, but after that it worked like a

happily dragging clueTips,

On Mar 28, 8:30 am, Karl Swedberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> that's really cool. thanks for sharing your success!
> If you're adding those 2 lines right after the opts.onShow... you
> might be able to simply use the onShow option instead. It's there as
> an "extension point," so this is just the sort of thing that onShow
> was intended for.
> btw, just to give credit where it's due, I believe it was Dan G.
> Switzer who wrote the onShow stuff for clueTip. Thanks again, Dan!
> --Karl
> _________________
> Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com
> On Mar 28, 2008, at 4:55 AM, az wrote:
> > Hi Karl,
> > Thanks for the quick reply and for pointing me in such a fruitful
> > direction.
> > Based on UI Dialog, here's what I did:
> > 1. I included ui.mouse.js and ui.draggable.js
> > 2. I added a 'draggable' option to clueTip.
> > 3. Immediately after  "opts.onShow($cluetip, $cluetipInner);"
> > [not sure if this is the best place]
> > I added:
> > ---
> > if (opts.draggable) {
> >     $cluetip.draggable({ handle: '#cluetip-title' });
> >     $('#cluetip-title').css('cursor', 'move');
> > }
> > ---
> > It was so easy that it must be wrong, but it works!
> > I don't know if this will benefit anyone else, but it definitely makes
> > my application a little more user friendly.  The draggable option only
> > makes sense if sticky is turned on.
> > thanks again,
> > az
> > On Mar 27, 8:12 pm, Karl Swedberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Hi az,
> >> I'm glad you like the plugin! Thanks for mentioning that. I imagine
> >> the additional feature could be accomplished, but perhaps it's not
> >> the
> >> right plugin for the job. Have you taken a look at the UI 
> >> Dialog?http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Dialog
> >>  That might be closer to what you're after there. If you want to have
> >> a go at making clueTip work with the drag, you can probably get some
> >> good ieas from Dialog or Draggables (both part of UI) or jqModal.
> >> --Karl
> >> _________________
> >> Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com
> >> On Mar 27, 2008, at 8:28 PM, az wrote:
> >>> Hello,
> >>> I think the clueTip plugin is fantastic and I'm using it heavily in
> >>> one of my current projects.
> >>> My clueTips are sticky so the user can interact with them.  In one
> >>> case the clueTip contains a small feedback form.  But sometimes the
> >>> clueTip partially covers the content that the user is giving
> >>> feedback
> >>> on!  I'd love for the user to be able to click on the header and
> >>> drag
> >>> the clueTip to a more convenient location.
> >>> Is the possible with the current clueTip code?
> >>> If not, would it be difficult to add this?  I'd be willing to take a
> >>> crack at the code with a little guidance.
> >>> thanks!
> >>> az

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