Hi Bryan,

Are you referring to Flash objects? If so, I just replied to someone yesterday regarding the same issue. Here is the relevant part:

If you're using swfObject, you can just use:
so.addParam("wmode", "transparent");

for embed, you add the attribute: wmode="transparent"
for object, you do <param name="wmode" value="transparent" />

hope that helps.

Karl Swedberg

On Mar 29, 2008, at 9:34 AM, Bryan Wilson wrote:

I've been trying to add a main horizontal nav menu to my web app, but
can't figure out how to get the drop down sub menus to show over top
of applets.  I have tried the superfish plugin with bgiframe plugin
exactly how it is shown on the superfish home page.  I have also tried
the jdMenu plugin with bgiframe plugin.  Although in that case I'm not
sure if I applied the bgiframe correctly because I couldn't find any
docs on how to do so.

I've tried the YUI menu, which has an iframe flag.  If I set that to
true, then the sub menus show over top of the applets.  Even though I
can get the YUI menu to work, I'd really like to stick with all jquery
plugins and get either superfish or jdMenu working.

Here is my javascript code for the superfish menu:

$(document).ready( function() {
                animation : { opacity:"show", height:"show" }
                        $("ul", this).bgIframe({opacity:false});

I'm using the default superfish.css stylesheet too.  I'm experiencing
this problem on IE 6/7 and Firefox 2.

I wish I could just rip these applets off the screen and throw them in
the trash.  I'm constantly working around them.  So if anyone can help
me get my superfish drop down nav menu working with these trash
applets I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks, Bryan

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