I'm using Java applets for SAP xMII 11.5.  Their documentation says to
use Java 1.4.2_13 and the the <applet> tag (not <object> or <embed>).
I don't like any of it, but I have to use it.

So far my only solution is to hide the applets when a user is in the
navigation menu.  This works, but I'd rather not have to hide the
applets if I don't have to.

On Mar 29, 4:04 pm, Karl Swedberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Bryan,
> Are you referring to Flash objects? If so, I just replied to someone  
> yesterday regarding the same issue. Here is the relevant part:
> If you're using swfObject, you can just use:
> so.addParam("wmode", "transparent");
> for embed, you add the attribute: wmode="transparent"
> for object, you do <param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
> hope that helps.
> --Karl
> _________________
> Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com
> On Mar 29, 2008, at 9:34 AM, Bryan Wilson wrote:
> > I've been trying to add a main horizontal nav menu to my web app, but
> > can't figure out how to get the drop down sub menus to show over top
> > of applets.  I have tried the superfish plugin with bgiframe plugin
> > exactly how it is shown on the superfish home page.  I have also tried
> > the jdMenu plugin with bgiframe plugin.  Although in that case I'm not
> > sure if I applied the bgiframe correctly because I couldn't find any
> > docs on how to do so.
> > I've tried the YUI menu, which has an iframe flag.  If I set that to
> > true, then the sub menus show over top of the applets.  Even though I
> > can get the YUI menu to work, I'd really like to stick with all jquery
> > plugins and get either superfish or jdMenu working.
> > Here is my javascript code for the superfish menu:
> > $(document).ready( function() {
> >        $("ul.nav")
> >        .superfish({
> >            animation : { opacity:"show", height:"show" }
> >        })
> >        .find(">li:has(ul)")
> >            .mouseover(function(){
> >                    $("ul", this).bgIframe({opacity:false});
> >            })
> >            .find("a")
> >                    .focus(function(){
> >                            $("ul", 
> > $(".nav>li:has(ul)")).bgIframe({opacity:false});
> >                    });
> > });
> > I'm using the default superfish.css stylesheet too.  I'm experiencing
> > this problem on IE 6/7 and Firefox 2.
> > I wish I could just rip these applets off the screen and throw them in
> > the trash.  I'm constantly working around them.  So if anyone can help
> > me get my superfish drop down nav menu working with these trash
> > applets I'd really appreciate it.
> > Thanks, Bryan- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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