I am using the blockUI plugin to display a caveat message as soon as a
page loads. The user has to check the "i agree" checkbox then click
the "ok" button to access the page. When the "ok" button is clicked I
set a cookie and run $.unblockUI().

The site is running in secure mode and in IE6 I get the infamous
secure/nonsecure warning when the $.unblockUI() function is called.
I've tried changing the source of the iframe to: javascript:void(0);
and javascript:false;document.write(''); but no luck. I have also
tried using the bgIframe plugin but that doesn't make a difference

I don't understand why that message appears when I'm unblocking the
document, I would expect it to appear as soon as the UI is blocked.

After a long battle I've decided to do this:

if($.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 7)

The secure/nonsecure message doesn't appear anymore and from a user's
perspective everything works fine. Does anybody see anything wrong
with doing this for IE6?

FYI, I'm using the blockUI plugin in other areas of the site and its
worked perfectly, it's absolutely mind boggling why I'm getting it

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