You can't have multiple elements with the same ID. That's why it only works
for the first one. Use classes instead.

That should be a straightforward change for the most part, the one exception
being the part where you grab the ID of the P element and assign that same
ID to the new TEXTAREA. Not sure what the intent there is.

Couple of little tips... With classes, $("#images").find("#imagencap") would
be $(".images").find(".imagencap"), but you can simplify that (or any
similar code) to $(".images .imagencap"), just like you would do in CSS.

Also, I find it helpful to use a $ prefix on variables that contain jQuery
objects. The $ reminds me that it's a jQuery object, and makes the code
where I use it look more like a jQuery call, e.g.

    var $p = $(this).find("p");
    var myCaption = $p.text();

Just a stylistic thing, but you might try it and see if you like it.


> In a page, i've multiple occurrence of:
> [code]
>       <div id="images">
>               <div id="imagencap" style="float:left;">
>                       <img src="fileName.jpg" />
>                       <p id="caption_id">
>                       caption_text
>                       </p>
>               </div>
>       </div>
> [/code]
> I would do, that when i click on a "caption_text", the 
> relative paragraph tag hide, and a textarea appears, with the 
> text of the <p>.
> Then, i've scripted this:
> [code]
>       $("#images").find("#imagencap")
>       .click(function(e){
>               if($(this).children().is("textarea")){ return; }
>               var myP = $(this).find("p");
>               var myCaption = myP.text();
>               var myId = myP.attr("id");
>               var textarea = "<textarea 
> id="+myId+">"+myCaption+"</textarea>";
>               var buttons = "[<a href='#'>SAVE</a>] [<a 
> href='#'>CANCEL</a>]";
>               myP.hide();
>               myP.before("<br />"+textarea+"<br />"+buttons);
>       });
> [/code]
> ... That works!. But only for the first occurrence!
> Where is the problem?
> Thanks :)

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