Do you have multiple divs with the same id of 'images'?. if so you
need to start using class name selectors, then you can iterate all the
divs with that clas name e.g

On Apr 27, 11:25 am, LostCore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> Well, i'll quickly describe my problem.
> In a page, i've multiple occurrence of:
> [code]
>         <div id="images">
>                 <div id="imagencap" style="float:left;">
>                         <img src="fileName.jpg" />
>                         <p id="caption_id">
>                         caption_text
>                         </p>
>                 </div>
>         </div>
> [/code]
> I would do, that when i click on a "caption_text", the relative
> paragraph tag hide, and a textarea appears, with the text of the <p>.
> Then, i've scripted this:
> [code]
>         $("#images").find("#imagencap")
>         .click(function(e){
>                 if($(this).children().is("textarea")){ return; }
>                 var myP = $(this).find("p");
>                 var myCaption = myP.text();
>                 var myId = myP.attr("id");
>                 var textarea = "<textarea 
> id="+myId+">"+myCaption+"</textarea>";
>                 var buttons = "[<a href='#'>SAVE</a>] [<a 
> href='#'>CANCEL</a>]";
>                 myP.hide();
>                 myP.before("<br />"+textarea+"<br />"+buttons);
>         });
> [/code]
> ... That works!. But only for the first occurrence!
> Where is the problem?
> Thanks :)

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