jayg schrieb:
I need to set up dynamic urls with async trees as well, though I am
using rails, so I am looking for something more like 'foo/bar/1', but
same functionality.  The problem I have with the idea to use
"source.php?id=firsttree" or something similar is that I don't know
how many subtrees I may have - this needs to be built dynamically.  If
I misunderstood, and this is intended to be dynamic, a code snippet
would be greatly helpful.  If not, my thought was in the getJSON
function of the treeview.asynch to have _that_ create the url info for
the newly returned tree.  We already have this.id and could easily
return the name of the controller and method to call.  Then, at the
end when we call $(container).treeview({add:child}), we could insert
the url we created into ts setting.  I may hack on this until I hear
another idea, but let me know what you think of that approach.
Ideas, especially in the form of code, are very welcome. The basic problem, dynamic arguments and different URL formats, applies now to both treeview and autocomplete plugins, so solving it properly would help a lot.


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