Okay I have read and reread 



and still cannot figure out how to grab all the text (not the markup)
on a page.  I am toying with the Google Translation API and am
attempting to parse all text, translate, and put it back.  I have the
looping logic (and the 500 char limit issue with Google) sorted out,
but I can't get the fundamental part down...GRABBING ALL THE TEXT.

So let's say you have markup like so

<li><a href=somelink>blabh blah 1</a></li>
<li><a href=somelink>blabh blah 2</a></li>
<li><a href=somelink>blabh blah 3</a></li>

and even

<h1>some heading</h1>


<p>Some paragraph text</p>

etc. etc.

I want to be able to grab all the text and manipulate it.

I've tried $("#mainContainerDiv *").each(...some function....), but
this crashed the system.

I would like to do something like this:

$("#mainContainerDiv *.text".each(....some function...), but this
clearly won't work.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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