Here are a couple of other options as well:

- Richard

On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 7:25 AM, motob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> When you use innerHtml it completely destroys the anchor tag and
> replaces it with another one. Not sure if jQuery does this or the
> browser, but when you destroy an element, all event listeners are
> destroyed too. So you'll either have to re-initialize the click
> listener when you use innerHtml, or just simply change the text of the
> anchor tag like so:
> $("a.xx").click(function(){
>  var $this = $(this);
>  event.preventDefault();
>  if($this.text() == "click") {
>    $this.text("click again");
>  } else {
>    $this.text("click");
>  }
> });
> By changing the text of an element allows for the event listener to
> remain in place, since the element itself didn't actually get
> destroyed.
> Hope this helps
> On May 6, 4:58 am, biggie_mac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I discovered this accidentaly today. I have an anchor like
> > <div id="yy"><a class="xx" href="#">click</a></div> and a simple
> > jquery like
> >
> >                 jQuery().ready(function() {
> >                 $("a.xx").click(function(event){
> >                         event.preventDefault();
> >                         alert('u clicked');
> >                 });
> >                 });
> >
> > I run this, works fine, I get the alert when I click on the anchor.
> > Now I also have a button which when I click it changes the innerHTML
> > of the div with <a class="xx" href="#">click again</a>. basically it
> > changes an anchor with another which is the same but only has
> > different message. But it's still an anchor with xx class. Yet, when I
> > click on the second anchor, nothing happens. Anyone know why this
> > happens?Below the code I tried:
> >
> > Js:
> >                 jQuery().ready(function() {
> >                 $("a.hide").click(function(event){
> >                         event.preventDefault();
> >                         alert('ai facut click pe un a cu class hide');
> >                 });
> >                 });
> >
> > HTML:
> > <div id="divb"><a class="hide" href="#">click</a></div>
> > <input type="button" value="click"
> > onclick="document.getElementById('divb').innerHTML='<a
> > class=&quot;hide&quot; href=&quot;#&quot;>click2</a>';";
> >
> > 10x

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