Ahh nice, thanks Mike for the pointer on that, this is for sure nice!
So I assume Cycle will work more in hand with this tabbed system?
Thanks for the great script and the pointer!

On May 9, 2:03 am, "Mike Alsup" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hitting a big wall here. I have the Cycle plugin working and have it
> > now added into a tabbed menu as the default value for the loading tab
> > content, using this tabbed menu 
> > script:http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex17/ajaxtabscontent/
> > My problem is, on load the Cycle plugin works fine, but when I click
> > tab 2, load some content via ajax and return to tab 1 by clicking it,
> > my cycle content turns off and it just lists all the images out, no
> > more fading-slideshow of the images. Anyone have any ideas how to get
> > the Cycle plugin to keep going or turn back on this sort of change of
> > action? It seems like this flipping to a new tab and then back to
> > cycle tab resets the js or whatnot.
> > Any ideas much appreciated!
> That tab script works with a single display area.  When it initializes
> it captures the original content HTML as a string.  When you switch
> tabs the content of the display area is replaced with that of the new
> tab.  When you tab back, the original content is regenerated.  This
> kills cycle because it is now cycling elements that are no longer in
> the DOM.
> Have you considered using the jQuery Tabs Plugin?
> http://stilbuero.de/jquery/tabs_3/
> Mike

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