It's just faster to write self closing p tags and I was just giving an
example. I don't normally use them in my code. They're not related to
my problem.

I am using Firefox 3.5 beta on a Linux Ubuntu system. I do have
Firebug (and Web Developer) but I'm not sure how to use it to monitor
the AjAX calls. Firebug is what gives me. Or tells me the error name.
Here it is again this time with every detail.

Permission denied to call method                            jquery-1.2.5.js (line
()()jquery-1.2.5.js (line 2694)
()()jquery-1.2.5.js (line 2452)
()()test.js (line 3)
()()jquery-1.2.5.js (line 2071)
()()jquery-1.2.5.js (line 1853)
[Break on this error], s.url, s.async);

If I follow(or click on) jquery-1.2.5.js (line 2694) it leads me to a
line in the JQuery code. Which reads., s.url, s.async);

As a side note I just recently upgraded to Ubuntu Hardy Heron which
came with Firefox 3.5 beta. But I was having the same problems before
when I was using Firefox 2.something.

Thats all I got. Not sure where to go from here. Going to keep
Googleing it.

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