I have a bookmarklet plugin for jQuery which has trouble working on
sites that use older versions of Prototype. It seems that the latest
version of jQuery is more corruptible by libs like Prototype which
extend core JavaScript than previous versions.

CNN.com and Ajaxian.com both use version of Prototype which cause my
jQuery bookmarklet to error out while initializing.

Is there anything I can do to get around this problem of running
jQuery after Prototype?

Please don't tell me about $.noConflict(). It's about fixing the
badness Object and perhaps the Array extending that Prototype did in
past versions.

I can only think of 3 solutions:
  1. get a clean copy of JavaScript to run on (somehow?)
  2. fix the Object which Prototype has extended
  3. write my bookmarklet in Prototype

And I hate them all... anyone got a better idea?

(this is the advanced bookmark at twine.com which I'm working on
upgrading, the dark transparent one.)

- Kai Bansner

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