> Rewriting jQuery.each could fix most problems, still I'm not aware of
> ALL the spots.
> Modifying all the for..in SHOULD be enough.
> --
> Ariel Fleslerhttp://flesler.blogspot.com

I like that ... any tips on how to detect which properties were added
to the object via a Object.prototype? These are the value jQuery.each
will need to skip.

I gleaned this little snippet of code from another discussion on the
internet which took place back in 2006, but it only helps when it's
run before Prototype. It keeps all of the Prototype extended methods
from showing up on new objects. I'm assuming my answer has something
to do with .hasOwnProperty.

        if( !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty ) {
             Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty = function( property ) {
                 try {
                     var prototype = this.constructor.prototype;
                     while( prototype ) {
                         if( prototype[ property ] ==
this[ property ] ) {
                             return false;
                         prototype = prototype.prototype;
                 } catch( e ) {}
                 return true;
         Object.prototype.extend = function( object ) {
             for( var property in object ) {
                 try {
                     if( !this.prototype[ property ] &&
object.hasOwnProperty( property ) )
                        this.prototype[ property ] =
object[ property ];
                 } catch( e ) {}

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