A previous discussion here (http://groups.google.fr/group/jquery-en/
browse_thread/thread/319177a5a9bb22a9/01b7544ac7203748) and a recent
addition the to the Cycle plugin (see 
makes me think that creating JQuery+Cycle slideshows with progressive
image loading à la Flash is within reach.
In this perspective, the exemple given at 
isn't satisfactory because the slideshow stops until all extra images
are loaded. Unfortunately I didn't find sufficient Cycle documentation
to write a script that would simply:
- start a slideshow with 2 images (1 isn't possible)
- load the 3rd image while it displays the 2nd, an so on for the
entire set
- once all images are loaded, repeat the slideshow (without attempting
to load the images again).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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