I'm working on an interface that uses slideable content areas that are
also collapsable - the idea being that users can position content on
the page as they like and then collapse content that they aren't
interested in. I call these content areas "slices". You can see a
quick test I've thrown together here:


The collapse functionality works fine on its own (using the core
slideDown function), the move functionality works fine on its own
(using the core animate function, along with the dimensions plug-in).
The problem is when I try to use them together. For instance, if you
move a slice, then collapse it, all of the other slices on the screen
go haywire. I suspect that this has to do with the behavior of the
document flow, since the slices are positioned relatively and then
when they get moved, the other slices behave as if the moved slice
were still positioned at the starting point. Does that make sense?

My question is: is this possible to do with relatively positioned
content, the height of which will be largely unknown, or should I
start over with an absolutely positioned approach?

Many thanks


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