> I have a strange problem with a slideshow in IE7 where white flecks
> are appearing on some images and is most noticeable in the darker
> areas of photographs. This only seems to be happening in IE so no
> surprise there, I am using jquery.cycle.all.pack.js?v2.21 and here is
> my JS for the slideshow:
> <script type="text/javascript">
> $(function() {
> $('#imageRotator').cycle({
>     fx:    'fade',
>     speed:  3000
>  });
> });
> </script>
> Nothing out of the ordinary as far as I can see but welcome any ideas
> to get over this as it is for a site about to live and the client
> wants to pull affected images out which I want to avoid. The source
> images in question do not have the flecks on the images if you view
> them directly. I welcome any ideas/solutions as to what this is and
> how to overcome it.
> TIA, Simon


Try adding the 'cleartype' option:

    fx:    'fade',
    speed:  3000,
    cleartype: true

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