On Jun 10, 12:31 pm, ProNotion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jun 10, 3:04 pm, Mike Alsup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Thanks Mike, we have some progress as the flecks now appear during
> > > transitions and then disappear once the image is fully loaded. They
> > > then reappear 3 seconds later as the next transition starts - any
> > > ideas how to eradicate this completely?
> > Either don't use IE, don't use Cleartype or don't use PNGs with
> > transparency.  Since you really only have control over the last option
> > that is the only way to "eradicate" the problem.
> > Mike
> 1. Obviously I can't dictate what browser the site visitors use
> 2. I don't have cleartype on
> 3. I am not using PNG's they are JPG's
> Sorry but that wasn't the answer I was hoping for but thanks for the
> step in the right direction.

Can you post a demo link?

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