
I still have problem.
Here my page for  example: http://msmfarcry02.free.fr/test/menu_demo.html

When mouse over, function over/out work continuously.
When drag, same.

here is the script : http://msmfarcry02.free.fr/test/jscript.js
and the css: http://msmfarcry02.free.fr/test/presentation.css

Many thanks for your help


On 11 juin, 05:48, "Richard D. Worth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's a way to do with bind/unbind:
> function over() { $(this).fadeTo("slow", 1.0); }
> function out() { $(this).fadeTo("slow", 0.6); }
> function unBind() {
>   $("#navigation").unbind("mouseover", over).unbind("mouseout", out);}
> function reBind() {
>   $("#navigation").bind("mouseover", over).bind("mouseout", out);
> }
> reBind();
> $("#navigation").draggable({ start: unBind, stop: reBind });
> In this case you want to use the start callback, not the drag callback as
> drag is called continuously (for each mousemove) during the drag.
> - Richard
> On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 10:52 AM, msm.stef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thank for this, but it doesnt works.
> > I try to use this :
> >        $("#navigation").hover(function () {
> >           $(this).fadeTo("slow", 1.0);
> >           },function(){
> >           $(this).fadeTo("slow", 0.6);
> >        });
> >         $("#navigation").draggable({
> >        drag: function() { $(this).unbind("hover"); },
> >        stop: function() { $(this).bind("hover"); }
> >        });
> > but, not good !!!
> > Have you a solution for me ?
> > Thanks
> > Stephan

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