Thanks all for this explanation.

I find a solution.
Don't use event mouveover and mouseout but use mouveenter and
Now, it works, not perfect but better.

        function over() { $(this).fadeTo("fast", 1.0); }
        function out() { $(this).fadeTo("slow", 0.6); }

        function unBind() {  $("div#navigation").unbind("mouseenter",
over).unbind("mouseleave", out);        }
        function reBind() {  $("div#navigation").bind("mouseenter",
over).bind("mouseleave", out);  }


        $("div#navigation").draggable({ start: unBind, stop: reBind });

See it in action here :

The last problem a need to resolve is when the mouse move rapidly over
and out the div. Like bjorsq said, the result is in the form of
ghosting for a while afterwards.
And i don't knows how i can resolve it.


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