
I'm playing with the slider: http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Slider

I set the callback to fill in the value of the sliderVal div:

    $("#mySlider").slider( { min: 1, max: 720, steps: 720,
slide:function(e, ui){document.getElementById("sliderVal").innerHTML =
$("#mySlider").slider("value") | 0 }   } );
<div id='mySlider' class='ui-slider-1' style="margin:10px;">
<div class='ui-slider-handle'></div>
<div id='sliderVal'>sliderVal</div>

But this only get's updated when dragging the slider, not when
clicking on the slider bar and moving the gauge.

Though the guage moves, the slide callback doesn't seem to happen.

Any ideas?


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