Hi Carleigh,

Thanks for the kind words - I do remember our previous correspondence.
Your site is fantastic. Amazing how many links you have managed to
show on the home page. I haven't seen that type of multi-column menu
using Superfish before, but I have been wanting to see if it could be
done. Now I have - so thanks!

I think commenting out that code you indicated will remove keyboard
access to the submenus. The user probably won't be able to use the tab
key to move through the links and have the submenus open as required.
That said, from the large amount of links in your menu it's easy to
understand why that code slows down the initialisation of the menu. I
guess you need to decide if the performance increase of commenting out
that code justifies the accessibility hit of losing keyboard access to
the submenus.

Regarding upgrading: to help you decide if you should upgrade please
look at the changelog to see what improvements have been made since
1.3.1 - http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/superfish/changelog.txt
many of the changes don't affect your menu type but a couple do,
including one related to increasing performance on initialisation and
another that fixes a disappearing text bug in IE. I'm pretty sure that
you won't need to alter any CSS and the new JS file should just
replace your current one without any other changes.

Thanks again for showing me your site Carleigh - very interesting.

Joel Birch.

P.S. in your example code I think you also need to include the
following .end() within the commented out block as that is supposed to
reverse the .find() that you want to comment out.

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