I'm in the process of converting standard javascript code to jQuery,
it has already save tons of lines of code and make it more
manageable.  I'm a bit stumped to why this works in FF and not in IE
using jQuery bind.

-- Snippets --
var BigBox = {
  init : function () {
    $('.bigbox_li').bind("dbclick", function(e) {$

  loadElements : function() {
    var li = document.createElement("li");
    li.setAttribute( "id", "li_" + this.nextCount); // nextCount
ensure uniqueness
    li.setAttribute( "class", "bigbox_li");

I did check the DOM in IE using IE Developer toolbar, it does have the
class "bigbox_li) associated with the li html element.

Any help would be great! Spend a few hours on this already!

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