I'm finding what seems like a lot of plugins that:

a. Don't follow the structure of the 'home page, documentation,
demonstration' pattern

b. Have dead links to the code/docs

c. Plugins that are marginally 'jqueryized' (for instance a Dynamic
Drive component I came across with a minor reference to jquery but the
bulk of it's code is run of the mill javascript.

d. Seem to be poorly described as to intent/purpose

e. Seem to be quickly-knocked-out and/or not well thought out, almost
as if for the sake of just getting something published with their name
on it.

Now I may just be overly critical, since I don't see any discussion on
this.  But as the plugin list has grown, it's getting more and more
difficult to find quality information.

Well, there's my 2 cents...  Fire away!

As a 'well what do you suggest be done about it?' starting point -
perhaps a link to 'suggest improvement' that would email the developer
or others, could be added?  Or a simpler 'does not conform' link that
simply marks the plugin project pages as needing cleanup.

Perhaps a way for the general community to directly work on the
plugins documentation to cleanup the deficiencies?  Tough, that one
because most link off to someone's personal webspace, I know.

Anyway I hope this is taken in the spirit of 'making it better' and
not idle griping.  I fear jQuery may be getting smothered by it's very

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