The z-index value need not be in quotes. You have:

z-index: "1"

which should be simply:

z-index: 1

Also, you need a doctype in your HTML document, or you're going to run
into all manner of display issues.

On Jul 2, 2:32 pm, Aaron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> the website is supposed to show a texted image, which is behind a
> table, that table is like a light blueish looking box, and the text is
> behind it yet I want it in front on top of that box.
> On Jul 2, 11:00 am, MorningZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > "I just noticed that firefox dosen't support the z-index"
> > Of course FF supports z-index...
> > something is wrong with your code/markup, not with FireFox or jQuery
> > Got a live link to show what you cannot get working?

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