> I have set up a test page that shows this problem.  It works in FF but not
> IE.
> http://education.llnl.gov/uploads/testup.lasso
> Mike, can you look into this.  If you already have, do you have an estimate
> as to when this will be fixed?
> Thanks.

I can't give you an estimate because the problem arises from a change
to core and not something I can fix in the plugin.  However, if you
comment out line 203 of the uncompressed form plugin then things
should work fine.  Line 203 contains the following code:

    method:   'POST',

Note however that you need to ensure that the form's method attribute
is set to POST in the markup since the plugin will no longer catch
that for you.

Also, I stand by my previous comment about using better input names.
I realize that "method" is a logical name for you, but using names
like method, action, type, nodeType, etc, etc is asking for trouble.
And this is a perfect example of why - your code used to work and now
it doesn't.  Surely you can come up with names that make sense and
don't collide with DOM properties.


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