without seeing all your code...

The main thing I see wrong here is you are calling your fadin() function
with an unneeded argument that is also a string that is not encased by

The argument is not required for your function at all--

So try this:

<a class="fadein" onclick="fadein();">Overview</a>

If you DO need the argument for some reason use:

<a class="fadein" onclick="fadein('#overview');">Overview</a>

On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 6:48 PM, David J Bauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> n00b here attempting to implement a simple jQuery function: I want to
> slowly show (fade in) a hidden division after clicking a text anchor
> (link). I've managed to get some jQuery plugins working correctly, but
> coding something myself is apparently beyond my current capabilities.
> :P
> Here is the script code, inserted in the head:
> <script type="text/javascript">
>        $(document).ready(function(){
>        function fadein() {
>        $("#overview").show("slow");
>              $(".fadein").click(fadein) {
>            });
>          });
>        });
> </script>
> Here is the style code for the division from the CSS file:
> div#overview {
>  width: 746px;
>  height: 340px;
>  position: relative;
>  top: -415px;
>  left: 0px;
>  background-color: #e4f0c5;
>  z-index: 1;
>  margin: 5px;
>  border: 2px solid #90a35d;
>  text-align: left;
>  color: #294145;
>  padding: 10px;
>  visibility: hidden;
> }
> And here is the HTML code from the body:
> <a class="fadein" onclick="fadein(#overview);">Overview</a>
> Note that in the CSS I have visibility as hidden: is that a problem?
> Thanks for any assistance!
> Regards,
> -neuron

Vince Lombardi  - "Winning is habit. Unfortunately, so is losing."

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