it's possible to possibly wait for the user to stop panning.
Currently, when the pan ends, an onEnd event is fired, which then
fires off the ajax. So what you're suggesting is that i queue the pan
onEnd events?

secondly, i still am confused to why u think jQuery should not offer
this support because you believe this is bad. Remember, the idea of
ajax is to stop an entire page from loading/refreshing and only
retrieving the data that has changed. It's very simple to look at a
page and see three _independent_ sections that have 3 different ajax
calls .. but please don't forget scenario's like mine .. or even one
of the most common scenario's -> autocomplete .. we're there's multi
requests to the same ajax service .. where the _option_ of queueing
could be available for those who worry.

but anyways, you've answered my question :) time to hunt around for

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