partner56290674 wrote:
secondly, i still am confused to why u think jQuery should not offer
this support because you believe this is bad. Remember, the idea of

I think it is inappropriate because you are describing an application specific issue. Not all applications will have the same needs. The requirement is not general enough (IMO) to be made part of the jQuery framework. Your needs and my needs are similar, but still very different. Do you try to handle ALL possibilities in the framework, or provide the tools for the developers to solve their own needs?

Additionally, you *could* set up jQuery to monitor the page for change requests, but that is just one approach. Typically web pages are event driven, and those events trigger ajax calls if/when needed. You mentioned the autocomplete - this is a great example here. If a user starts typing, do you send an ajax request for EVERY keystroke, or do you introduce a slight delay to find when the user has paused in typing, and THEN send the ajax request with the changed text? (note that no "queue" is needed at all) That is a judgment call needed by the application developer. Most autocomplete solutions introduce the delay, but there may be legitimate times when this is not desired. (simple select instead of autocomplete maybe?)

It still comes down to the individual developer knows best what they need. The framework should only provide the generic tools to help the developer solve those needs - NOT try to solve all developers needs in one package.

But this is all just opinion. I'll leave those decisions to John Resig and the rest of the core developers...

My random thoughts....


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