I have a similar problem where i want to submit a AJAX form through
its button click event because the AJAX onclick handler is added
dynamically through RichFaces. I have two different forms and tried to
define a keypress handler for my input fields as follows
jQuery(".search input:text").keypress(function(e) {
        if (e.which == 13 || e.keyCode == 13) { // ENTER-Key

The curiousity now is that the code works on the form where i have 3
input text fields and submits the form via AJAX but not on the one
with just one input field. There the form is submitted via
POST ... :-/

Any ideas?

On Jul 22, 5:10 pm, Will Moffat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi guys, thanks for the replies, and sorry for the delay in
> responding.
> I see that didn't clearly state the context of my problem.
> I want to use jQuery to simulate mouse clicks for many different HTML
> elements (not just form submit buttons). My test shows that
> jQuery.click() doesn't give same results as a real click.
> Here's the code from my test:
> <form action="javascript:alert('browser submit handler')">
>   ...
>   <input type='submit' value="Cook hamster"></input>
> </form>
> $('form').submit(function() { alert('jquery submit handler'); });
> $('input[type=submit]').click();
> So when click() is called I expect both jquery and browser handlers to
> fire, but in fact only the browser handler fires.
> A real mouse click causes both to fire.
> Can anybody explain this difference? Should I file a bug?
> regards,
> --Will

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