Also, .hide() does the same as setting the CSS to display:none.

On Aug 19, 10:24 am, Karl Swedberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Aug 19, 2008, at 8:09 AM, Giovanni Battista Lenoci wrote:
> > Hi, I have this code:
> > <ul>
> > <li>
> >  <ul class="menu">
> >  <li>...</li>
> > </li>
> > <li>
> >  <ul class="menu active">
> >  <li>...</li>
> > </li>
> > <li>
> >  <ul class="menu">
> >  <li>...</li>
> > </li>
> > </ul>
> > I want to set css property display:none to all the elements that are
> > not active.
> > I'm looking at the doc on ":not" selector, I've tried:
> > $(':not(.active)').css({'display:none'});
> > But doesn't works... Where I'm doing wrong?
> The selector looks fine. The .css() method is where you're having a  
> problem. Try this instead:
> $(':not(.active)').css({display: 'none'});
> Note the use of quotation marks around the value only ('none'). You  
> can put a separate set around the key ('display') as well, but you  
> can't have a single set wrapping both key and value.
> --Karl
> ____________
> Karl

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