
I'd like to announce a small update for the <a
tooltip plugin</a>. The support for image maps is back, the deprecated
$.fn.Tooltip is gone (just use tooltip() instead), and two new
features: A fade option, which takes the duration to fade in/out a
tooltip in milliseconds. And the positionLeft-option, which configures
the plugin to display the tooltip on the left of the cursor.

From the changelog:

        <li>Added fade option (duration in ms) for fading in/out tooltips; IE
<= 6 is excluded when bgiframe plugin is included</li>
        <li>Fixed imagemaps in IE, added back example</li>
        <li>Added positionLeft-option - positions the tooltip to the left of
the cursor</li>
        <li>Remove deprecated $.fn.Tooltip in favor of $.fn.tooltip</li>

Have fun!


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