I don't really follow on the bodyHandler option

for instance, there are my links:

<a href="someurl1.aspx" class="PN_Link" title="I am a tooltip for
link1<br />See me tooltip">Link 1</a>
<a href="someurl2.aspx" class="PN_Link" title="I am a tooltip for
link2<br />See me tooltip">Link 2</a>

and to wire it up have:

        track: true,
        delay: 0,
        showURL: false,
        opacity: 1,
        fixPNG: true,
        extraClass: "pretty fancy",
        top: 5,
        left: 5,
        bodyHandler: function() {
                return $(this).attr("title");

and the tooltip is empty....   what should be in the function there?

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