Hey guys,
I am using JQuery Validation Plugin and am getting a bug that I can't
seem to figure out.

When the user inputs a correct input, it shows my success class, but
if you create an error after the success class has been triggered, the
success class stays there with the error message as well.

For example, view my registration form here: 

For username, enter a name 3 characters or more (triggers success
Then, for username, erase it, or enter a username less than 3
characters (triggers error)

My success/valid check icon stays there with the newly triggered error
message. The error icon should be showing up, as is done if you create
an initial error.

You can do the same kind of things with the other fields and it does
the same. You can also view my source on the page to see how I am
implementing it.

Any ideas?


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